our methodology
[me THUD all uh gee] noun
a system used in a particular area of study or activity.
“a methodology for investigating the concept of focal points”
Getting to the right answer isn’t just about sitting in a room and throwing ideas against the wall. Or “brainstorming” to the point of clairvoyance.
Our best work is the output of our process—our methodology. We call it Formulaic. Formulaic is a book (available in print and on Amazon Kindle) that deconstructs some leading and relatable brands like YETI, Chobani, Patagonia, and Dunkin. It helps answer questions like “why are consumers paying over $400 for a cooler?” or “how did Greek yogurt go from a punchline to a leading tenant in the supermarket refrigerator case?” and apply those answers to our client brands. It guides you, the reader, through the rationale of strategic and creative thinking while asking critical questions of the reader regarding their own brand.
Formulaic is also contained in a practitioner’s supplement we created to help readers cut to the chase. It presents important areas for discovery in areas like market differentiation, customer segmentation, product excellence, and how the science of storytelling can help you build lasting, visceral connections with customers.
But more than anything, it’s a call to think about where the strength of a brand lies before opening Photoshop and letting the pixels fly. Tempting as that might be, we want to be sure the work reflects sound strategy and precise positioning –– leading just the right people to what you do best.
For all-out facilitation and brand discovery, learn more about our Brand Exploration engagement which features Formulaic at its core. The methodology is also available via virtual seminar from the author for marketing teams seeking to embrace a methodology. For more on Formulaic, visit FormulaicTheBook.com or watch the trailer below.